
by Jean Carmelle Reyes

060930_arab_israeli_asymmetric_warfare.jpg?1698842491732 Photo by Israeli Defense Forces licensed under CC by 2.0 Terror attacks in Israel are sadly not new. We've had too many this year, including the recent attack by Hamas on October 7th. These attacks make us feel angry and devastated, wondering when they will stop.

But in response to such devastation, the Jewish community comes together with love. After the tragic murder of Lucy, Rina, and Maia Dee, people from all over Israel and the world sent support and committed to more Bible study and Torah observance. This shows the true "cycle of violence" in Israel – where terrorists harm our children, and compassionate Jews respond with love.

However, once the mourning period ends, government officials and celebrities often shift their focus elsewhere. The rest of us return to our daily lives, hoping to avoid such cycles in the future but knowing it's likely to happen again. We tell ourselves that we must carry on until a better time comes.
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