
by Jean Carmelle Reyes


Maya, the founder of Dog&Go, has always had a deep love for dogs. About ten years ago, Maya and her family adopted a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, whom they named Yulia.

A few weeks after adopting Yulia, bruises started to appear on her face. The veterinarian diagnosed her with an autoimmune disease, a condition where the immune system attacks the body, causing bruises and interfering with normal activities. Since autoimmune diseases are incurable, Yulia will suffer from this condition for her entire life. Despite this, Yulia has proven to be a true hero, teaching Maya and her family the importance of seizing and enjoying every moment.

Yulia loves going for walks, which make her happy and help her forget the constant itching and redness caused by the bruises. One day, Maya had a brilliant idea: to take Yulia on a long trip, just the two of them.

While planning this adventure, Maya searched for a travel kit that would meet Yulia's needs but couldn't find anything suitable. This led to the creation of Dog&Go—a traveling bag designed to organize all the necessary items for an easy and comfortable trip with your furry friend.

Dog&Go is a modular bag with unique compartments for each product. It's comfortable, compact, and most importantly, it makes traveling with your best friend easy and enjoyable.

Get your own Dog&Go bag today, adventure awaits!

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